Contact the Northtown Municipal Utility District

Mailing Address:

Northtown Municipal Utility District
c/o Armbrust & Brown, PLLC
100 Congress Avenue, Suite 1300
Austin, Texas 78701

Payment Mailing Address:

Northtown MUD
P.O. Box 4901
Houston, Texas 77210
(512) 246-1400


District Manager:

The district manager is responsible for maintenance of all facilities, parks, trail systems, restrictive covenant enforcement, solid waste pickup and recycle, office operations and meeting logistics. This office does not handle water/waste water or billing questions and cannot access your account records.

Mona Oliver
Northtown MUD Administrative Office
700 E. Wells Branch Parkway
Pflugerville, Texas 78660
(512) 716-0759

Water Operator:

The water operator's office operates and maintains the water/wastewater facilities. The operator handles the district's water billing, collections and responds to customer water service inquiries.

Dennis Hendrix
Crossroads Utility Services, LLP
2601 Forest Creek Drive
Round Rock, TX 78665-1232
(512) 246-1400