Welcome to the

Northtown Municipal Utility District

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided on this site is accurate. This information is provided for your convenience only and does not override any part of the official records and documents of the District.

Our Dog Park is


Our Dog Park is


MUD Information Guide

Use the guided links below to navigate the homepage for helpful tips and information regarding our parks, billing, watering schedule and more!






Bulk Waste


MUD Meeting

Who We Are

The Northtown Municipal Utility District was created in 1985. Its approximately 1224 acres lie just east of Interstate 35 between Austin and Pflugerville, bounded by Howard Lane to the south and Highway 685/Dessau Road to the east.

The district includes the District Office, Northtown Park, Meadow Pointe, Wildflower, Settler's Meadow, The Lakes at Northtown, Brookfield and the Village of Northtown neighborhoods, two elementary schools, several parks, ponds, hike and bike trails, 3 pavilions, and still has room to grow. Future development may include more parks, trails, single and multi-family residences, light retail, and even a fire/EMS station.


The District is governed by a Board of five members that serve staggered four-year terms. In accordance with Texas Water Code § 49.103, director elections are held on the November uniform election date, the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, in even-numbered years. The District's next director election will be held on November 3, 2026 at the polling places for each election precinct within the District established by Travis County. A person that desires to be a candidate in the District's next director election must be qualified to serve as a director and must timely submit an application for a place on the ballot to the District. To be qualified to serve as a director, a person must be at least 18 years old, a resident citizen of the State of Texas, and either own land subject to taxation in the District or be a qualified voter within the District. The first day and time that a candidate may file an application for a place on the ballot is 8:00 a.m. on the day that is 108 days before the election and the last day that a candidate may file an application for a place on the ballot is 5:00 p.m. on the day that is 78 days before the date of the election.

Applications may be obtained from the District at c/o Armbrust & Brown, PLLC, Attn: the District's Legal Assistant, 100 Congress Ave., Suite 1300, Austin, Texas 78701, (512) 435-2300 or an application may be downloaded and printed from the Texas Secretary of State's website at https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/forms/index.shtml. Completed applications may be filed: (1) in person or by mail at the following address: Northtown Municipal Utility District, c/o Armbrust & Brown, PLLC, Attn: District Legal Assistant, 100 Congress Ave., Suite 1300, Austin, Texas 78701; (2) by facsimile transmission to the following number: (512) 435-2360; or (3) through e-mail transmission to the following e-mail address: districtelections@abaustin.com.

Current Water Conservation Restrictions
Stage 2

The Northtown MUD is obligated by its water agreement with the City of Austin to honor and assist with all water conservation efforts. For more information view Austin's Water Conservation page.

More information on current water restriction stages can be found in the district notice. Additional information on water use restrictions can be found in the District's Drought Contingency Plan.

District News

Notice of District events is normally posted on the neighborhood entryway signs, and also published on your water bill when possible. In special cases an announcement or notice may be mailed directly to every residence.

Notice of Amendment of Order Establishing Service Rates, Charges and Tap Fees and Adopting Rules and Policies With Respect To the District s Water, Wastewater and Drainage Systems - Notice of changes to the District's Rate Order.

Bulk Waste Collection

Do not pile bulky waste curbside unless you have notified TDS that you need a bulky waste pickup. You must call TDS Customer Care at 1-800-375-8375 to schedule a bulky pickup at least 5 days in advance of your regular pickup day.

Each household will receive two curbside bulky waste pick-ups per calendar year at no charge. Additional pickups must be arranged through TDS Customer Care for an additional fee.

Bulky Waste

Stoves, hot water heaters, washing machines, clothes dryers, and furniture; other large household waste material that do not contain coolants or hazardous materials; bags of leaves or other yard waste.


Tree, shrub and brush trimmings securely tied together, forming an easily handled package, not exceeding four feet in length or 40 pounds in weight.

Restrictive Covenant Corner

Find the restrictive covenant for your section here!

Is your grass running over the curb? Are your flowerbeds weeded? Are your shrubs pruned? With the arrival of summer, your neighbors are in the yard, working to preserve not only their investment, but your investment as well. Won't you join them?

Part of being a good neighbor is keeping your residence looking nice. It's important because a well-kept lawn is required by your Restrictive Covenants. Restrictive Covenants are legally enforceable promises you made when you purchased the property. If you are a renter, your landlord is required to make sure you abide by these promises.

So be a good neighbor. Check your lawn and make sure it is mowed, edged, weed free, and your shrubs are pruned.

Email the district with questions about restrictive covenants or complaints about other properties at Moliver@northtownmud.org.

Northtown MUD Administrative Office
700 E. Wells Branch Parkway
Pflugerville, TX 78660

Board meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 5:45pm. The districts administrative office is located here:

A free-standing water payment dropbox for utility payments ONLY is located in the parking lot at this location.

NOTE: The personnel at this location do not have your customer account information and can not accept payments nor answer any water, wastewater or billing questions. You must continue to go to contact  offices of Crossroads Utility Services for all billing and payment activities at 512-246-1400.


If you see something...say something!

The Northtown Municipal Utility District Board of Directors hopes that you have noticed the many improvements that are being made in your parks and parkland, as well as the sound-barrier fencing along Howard Lane, McCallen Pass (Heatherwilde Blvd) and Greinert Drive. In time Northtown will have a first-class park system. Amenities already include a pavilion, dog parks, ball fields, trails and playscapes. Unfortunately, some people don't appreciate nice parks and don't want you to enjoy them either. Graffiti has been sprayed on many surfaces including park structures, signs and trees, and other damage has been reported as well. The Northtown MUD offers a reward of up to $500 for information leading to the arrest and prosecution of any person vandalizing or otherwise committing a crime against District property, including parks and park fixtures, signs, and utility facilities. Multiple awards will be paid for multiple perpetrators. The Northtown MUD will prosecute any person identified as engaging in criminal activity on or against any District property. The District will also seek restitution and damages, including the cost of any reward(s) paid, from any person convicted of damaging District property. Please report suspicious activity to the Travis County Sheriff's Office.